Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is YOUR fate?

Here's mine. I think it's pretty accurate, don't you?

What is YOUR fate?
Your Result: To make people laugh and smile without trying.

You are a very funny person and have a way with people that makes them laugh. You are charismatic, fun, and usually pretty cheerful. You know that the best medicine in life is laughter.

To live the perfect family life.
To die while saving a life.
To become rich and famous for no reason.
To become the world's most poplular bachelor(ette)
To become a successful careerperson but live alone
To do absolutely nothing useful and love it.
What is YOUR fate?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

1 comment:

loren said...

I had pretty much the same one as you, but switch the third one and the second-to-last one (being successful but dying alone).

I was getting worried for a while there. The quiz wouldn't let me enter, and I was starting to think that it was an omen about my surgery: you have no future! AAAAHHHH!!!!