Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Words uttered in our house this evening...

When we get home in the evenings, it is typically like a whirlwind. Crazy times of cooking food, cleaning bodies, and attempting to find something to do to retain some sort of sanity. For Tyler, it's watching "Imagination Movers" or "Stuart Little". For Connor, it's pushing trucks around. For Kyle and I - it's time on the computer.

Tonight wasn't unlike most others, but I just started paying attention to the words coming out of my mouth. I never thought I would utter the words I did, but seriously, these words or phrases came out of my mouth after 5:30 this evening...

  1. "CONNOR GET OFF THE TABLE!" "Kyle, get me a towel to get the ketchup off his knee".
  2. "Tyler, you can have a sticker if you sit at the table. But you have to use silverware."
  3. "Tyler, get out of the clothes basket!"
  4. "Connor - QUIT HITTING YOUR BROTHER!" (Repeat this 100 times).
  5. "Tyler - STOP SITTING ON CONNOR!" (only repeated 3 times)
  6. "No golfing in the kitchen!"
  7. "Tyler, get the squeeze cheese out of your mouth!"
  8. "Get me another drink"

Oh, wait, the last one was uttered by me. I had one of those days at work. Nothing seriously bad happened, but nothing good either, which makes it kind-of a frustrating day. I like to feel some sort of success when I leave in the evenings, or else, evenings like this at home are just THAT much more frustrating.

Looking back at tonight, I laugh at some of the things that happened. I didn't laugh then - but I'm laughing already. Now we're trying to put Connor to bed for the first time without a pacifier, period. Not even with the clipped off ends. I'm having a good time.

(Keep telling myself that!)

1 comment:

loren said...

You know you've completely lost it when you laugh DURING these episodes. I'm long gone...

Love the ketchup on the knee, by the way. Sounds like something at our house. When Alison decides she's done eating, she stands and jumps up and down on her chair or the table. Yikes.