Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Love Edward

Okay, I've been sucked in. Sucked into this "Twilight Mania" that is sweeping that nation.

Friday night, I sucked it up, and went to the 9:45 movie (I normally don't stay up voluntarily past 10pm) with some friends. Actually, it was exciting.

One of the girls bought tickets at noon, which was good because tickets for the 9:45 show sold out by 4pm. We waited in line for nearly an hour, just to GET IN to the theatre, and once in there - it was a mad dash to get a good seat. Of course, the four of us women were four out of about only twenty women, over the age of 20. There were A LOT of teenagers, which made it even more exciting, I guess cause it reminded us of high school.

By the time the movie started, I must say I had had fun so far, but actually wasn't looking forward to a movie about vampires. How silly could that be?

I cannot say how wrong I was. The movie was AWESOME. It was a bit dark (duh - it's about vampires), and I didn't care too much for the lead actress (Kristen Stewart), but Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) made up for it. He's the main vampire in the movie (yes, there are multiple vampires) and I'm totally in love with him now. He has the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen, and every time he looked deeply at someone, it's almost as though he could melt them with his stare.

I started reading the book at about 7am Saturday when I was up with the kids, and although I haven't made it too far, I'm sure I won't be disappointed. If the book created a following like it did, and the movie was as good as it was - I'm excited to get into the first book, and then the next three.

Now I just have to break it to my husband that I'm in love with a vampire.


loren said...

It's funny that Mike is just as "in" to these books as I am (Harry Potter, DaVinci Code, Twilight, even Sex and the City) that he would kill me if I went with someone else!

K'man said...

So you really are a 14 year old vampire screamer. You just have a day job to support your habit.