Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jason's Sale!

Well, we survived the sale! And it was a total success!

At about 9am on Friday, I didn't think we were going to be able to do it! We had stuff EVERYWHERE! We had received more donations than we knew what to do with, and needed about 40 more tables to lay it all out. It was insane! We spent all day sorting and organizing, and sorting, and then you would turn around, and there would be another pile of stuff that someone dropped off!
When the sale started on Saturday, it was awesome! The weather didn't cooperate too much at first with the drizzle, but it slowed down after a while, and at about 8:30 - Sponge Bob Square Pants stopped by! Seriously! Sponge Bob is Jason's favorite!!!
People came from everywhere! I couldn't keep up with everything that was going on, it just seems like a haze! I tried a couple times to count how many people were there - but kept losing count!
At the end of the sale, one lady lingered around looking for things. We found out that her trailer had burned down last Sunday (and then remembered hearing the story on the news), so we literally loaded up her van and a truck we had and brought TONS of stuff to her new place. It felt good to have the items that were going to be left, go to someone that really needed it! All that is left that she didn't need is going to the North Liberty Food/Clothing Pantry and the Auction. We are opening up an account in Jason's name.
Then we got down to business - CELEBRATING!!! Kyle and Tyler did some interesting dancing that was hilarious! We closed the night sitting by the fire, eating smores, and drinking more beer than should be legal! It was the perfect way to close up our event! We presented the $4000 that we raised to the family - which we were all surprised by! People were so generous, we had people pay us $100 for $5 worth of goods.
Jason and Tyler continued their partying into today by eating popcorn (Jason's favorite food) in our garage while watching cartoons. (Yes, we have a huge TV in our garage - but mostly all that is watched on it is golf!). I found a skull and crossbones handkerchief at the garage sale and saved it for Tyler. He wanted to put it on so he would look like Jason. It was so cute. As I was putting it on his head, he asked me, "Mom, if I wear this, will all of my hair fall out too?".
I had to gulp hard and try to not have my eyes swell up with tears. It's so cute to listen Tyler and Jason talk to each other, because they are so honest. There's not that "adult filter" that we all use. Tyler will ask him why he doesn't have any eyebrows, and Jason will tell him straight up, "All of my hair fell out, but I get to wear this cool hat that says something..."
His hat says, "Cancer fears me"
Yep - it sure does Jason!
Jason goes in on June 23rd for a bone marrow biopsy to see if the Leukemia is in remission. If so - he's clear! If not, it's another YEAR in the hospital! Pray that Jason does well on the 23rd!!!

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