Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pure Joy

We have some of the most awesome friends that asked us to go boating with them this past Saturday.  I haven't been out in a boat on the Coralville Reservoir in years.  I grew up boating with my parents, and my mom and dad always used to tell me that I was born to be on a boat, and I now believe them.  It was one of the most awesome days I have had in a looooong time.  It was just purely beautiful...

Connor was all decked out and ready to go the minute we hit the water.  He had such a blast, and I think he's going to be just like me with the water.

Connor sat on my lap for most of the trip (mostly so I could hold on to him), but you can tell by this smile that he's having a blast.  I think you can tell by my smile that I am too.  (Please pardon the Flock of Seagulls hairdo I have going on - the boat was going pretty fast when I took this!)

It was nice to see the old bridge again.  The bridge that gets painted with friendly graffiti every time the water gets as high as it is now.  The water on the lake is extremely high in this picture, but made it extra nice for us since they were limiting boats on the water.  The early boaters got the lake to themselves.

The boys were so excited to tube.  We even got Tyler in the tube with goofy Kyle and our neighbor, Dylan. 

We stopped in a cove and just sat in the sun or floated around.  Your choice.  I sat in the boat and soaked in the sun with the most absolute joy I have had in a while.  Although my lips are still sunburned, and my forehead and nose are peeling, I would do it again in a minute.  (In this picture, I think Kyle and Connor were having a very deep conversation.)

The best part of the day was when I got to ski.  I hadn't skied in twelve years.  Yes, twelve.  So, it took me three tries to finally get up on the skis, but when I was up, I remember being pulled along and just smiling from ear to ear, and trying to soak it all in as fast as possible.  There is just such a freedom, to me, when you're being pulled along the water, that it just made me the happiest person in the world at that moment.  It was incredible. 

I got to hang out with my friend Sarah, who had her LAST chemo treatment today for breast cancer.  Her tumor has shrunk with every chemo treatment, and will have surgery here soon, but they are confident that the chemo was successful.  She had such a blast too.  We drank beer, and talked, and just laughed.

I love being on the water, and about halfway through out day, I looked at Kyle, and he looked at me.  We knew exactly what each other was thinking at that moment...

"I love this..." he said.

"I do too." I replied, "5 year plan?"

"Yep, 5 year plan."  he replied, "buy a boat."

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for the rest of the day.  Nor, did I want to....

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