Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday Craziness

4:15 am. Yes, that is when Connor woke up this morning. 4:15 A. M. Holy. Lord. Kyle and I took turns trying to rock him back to sleep, but we didn't get much other than a doze from him, and if you tried to lay him back down, he sat straight up. We were in the living room at 6am.

I remembered it was picture day tomorrow at daycare for the boys this morning. That wouldn't have been much of a problem since I so, proactively, did some shopping yesterday. I got Tyler a cool Polo sweater that is red and navy blue striped. Apparently, that is also the same sweater that Freddy Krueger wore (or Jason, I can't remember), that my neighbor so nicely reminded me, as she was drunk. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it - but the sweater will be returned. I don't think I could look at Tyler's school pictures thinking Freddy or Jason forever.

So, I went to Kohl's at 9am today to "reshop" for pictures. Came out with some nice stuff, and hopefully no evil villains wear those same clothes.

I took the boys to my parents, and since the boys will usually sleep on the way there if they have a full stomach - I went to the Steak & Shake drive through. At 10:30 in the morning. I probably looked like I had a problem, by ordering a child's grilled cheese meal, and extra order of fries, a strawberry shake, a coffee and a Red Bull. Yes - by 10:30 I was running out of steam.

All of that great nutrition came to $10.56. I think the boys ate 3 french fries, total, and Connor would not eat his grilled cheese ("I don't WANT it..."), and when Tyler was "done" with his, it looked like a mouse had nibbled on it. So - a strawberry shake, coffee and Red Bull cost me $10.56.

At my parents, the boys had a blast! They threw rocks in the river with grandpa, Tyler told all sorts of crazy stories, and both had lots of suckers. We all had a great time, and my parents got to experience the boys on ice cream. Yes, ice cream is the new "crack" in our house.

I couldn't decide what time to put the boys to bed tonight. This whole time change thing screws me up for weeks. I will walk around saying "It's 7pm but it's really 8", for weeks. Constantly comparing the new time to the old time. So, I'm unsure of what to do with the boys. We need to start transitioning to the new bedtime - but after the early start this morning, they need their sleep.

Say a prayer that tomorrow is a bit later than it was today. People assure me that the boys will grow out of this eventually. It's been 5 years and 2 months........ it's not looking like anytime soon!

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