Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dear Lord

Please give me the strength to get through the day with these animals (um, I mean, boys). Please let there not be a circus going through town which might just tempt me to sell them (or donate them) for the side show - or better yet, the petting zoo.

Please give me the strength to get to nap time, as it is 7:42am and I am already praying that someone crashes - soon. Because if they don't - I will. I'm pretty sure DHS would be fairly disappointed to find my boys, one running around outside naked and the younger one walking around the house bashing on it with a bat - while mommy sleeps on the sidewalk.

Please let me not scream at Tyler at one more time "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? WHY DO YOU NOT LISTEN?!?!?!?!?!" so loud that I'm sure the neighors are wondering what in the hell is happening in that house.

And one last request - if somehow, sometime this week, you could arrange for my husband and I to BOTH get 8 hours (I would LOVE even 6!) hours of unbroken sleep - I would be the happiest person on earth.

I swear I will be forever grateful to you for these (seemingly) simple requests.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one made me cry. Because I could write the same thing. Every. Single. Day.

Hugs from a total stranger!