Monday, May 18, 2009

Did we honestly just have that conversation?

I was in my bosses office tonight when my cell phone rang. It was my husband. It rang, again and again and again and again, and he knows the "sign". If I don't answer and he needs me to answer, he will text me. It's our secret "meeting language".

Finally - after about his 5th time calling, I finally interrupted my boss, and had to answer it.

"I JUST PICKED CONNOR UP FROM DAYCARE HE HAD TWO BLOW OUTS TODAY WHERE ARE YOU WHEN WILL YOU BE HOME I TEE OFF IN 20 MINUTES!", he yelled into the phone. It was all one sentence too, and sounded just like that.

I explained to my boss that Kyle was going to start having convulsions in about 10 minutes if I didn't hop in my Delorean and time travel back to earlier this afternoon so I could be there to not interrupt his golf game, then I politely excused myself.

The whole way home I was thinking, "Okay, how are we going to do this tomorrow?". It's the typical game of "who gets what shift", when the kids are sick.

Upon my arrival home, Kyle was sprinting to his truck when he asked me, "What are we going to do tomorrow?", and then proceeded to list the numerous people that have jobs, that could also watch Connor tomorrow.

(Are you ready for this? This is the good part. Are you ready??? Sit down.....)

I asked, "What time do you have appointments tomorrow?".

His answer, "I don't have any appointments tomorrow, I'm in a Golf Tournament in Amana with Mike!"

A-hem. "Really? A Golf Tournament? And you either want me to miss work, or even better, one of our relatives or friends, so you can play in your golf tournament?"

He ended the conversation with "FINE! I'll just tell Mike I can't golf with him tomorrow!", and he jumped in his truck and left. I'm sure this isn't the end of this conversation.

I really do love Kyle's passionate quest for perfection in everything he does. He doesn't do anything half-assed (except laundry sometimes), but this gene he was implanted with does not stop. It never slows down, and makes for some very interesting conversations at time.

Stay tuned. I can't WAIT to see how this one turns out. But I'm getting up and going to work in the morning. (Although, since I'm on my 7th day in a row of feeling like dog poop, I would LOVE to stay home and at least nap when Connor naps. This cold I have is defeating me. My body is desperate for sleep, but I don't want to let this one die!)

1 comment:

loren said...

Wow, I could definitely see that conversation taking place in our house! Hope everyone feels better soon :)