Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Since we've been spending most of every breathing moment outside lately, the boys were going to turn inside-out if they had to spend the evening in last night, and so was I.

When the weather is nice, we do everything outside. We play, we run, we ride bikes, we eat, and we go to the bathroom. Yes, I said go to the bathroom. Not me, but Tyler will. I will frequently find him peeing on some random tree, which totally horrified me at first, but hey - what does it hurt. Then he also doesn't track dirt/mud in the house. The neighbors might not agree, but they're our trees. We'll water them however we please!

Last night the weather was horrible. It was so humid at first, and just yucky. Then the rain started.

At first, I tried to keep the boys in the garage, then I gave up. I just let them run. And they ran, and ran and ran. It downpoured for probably 20 minutes, and during that whole time, they played in the rain, the puddles, and even the street. (I considered it a special occasion!)
I've found that even the things that I would consider to be "annoying", my children can find joy in. Maybe I need to open my eyes, and my mind, a little more often...

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