Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 year old + 4 year old + caffeine = stupid mom

When I picked the boys up from daycare yesterday, Tyler DID NOT want to go! He was very happy playing in the Before and After School Room (his age gets to linger in there towards the end of the day), playing with their new Foosball Table!!! He was having a blast!

I literally had to drag him out of daycare, against his will, after he told me, "Mommy, just leave me here tonight, you can come back tomorrow!". Nice. I just zoomed out of work, to get told to leave him at daycare...

In order to get him in the car, I thought fast - BRIBE! One of my favorite parenting tactics! I have been known to use everything for a bribe, from food, to candy, to going to the neighbors.
I had some Diet Dr. Pepper on my car that I didn't drink all of on the way home. I never drink pop usually, but needed a small boost of caffeine yesterday afternoon.

As we got in the car, and in order to them both to quit yelling, screaming and kicking the back of my chair, I offered up what was left of my drink. Approximately 8 ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper.

Fast forward to 7pm.

Both boys are INSANE! They are running laps around the house, pushing cars, running into each other, and otherwise having a hysterical time!

When bedtime came, Connor sat and talked to his puppies in his bed until about 8:30 - WAY too late for him. I heard "NO! NO! Puppy!" about 100 times from his room. Whatever was going on, his puppies were not behaving. At least that child is in a crib, and cannot get out.

Then it came time to put Tyler to bed. Oh. My. God.

Both Kyle and I had to take turns walking away from the situation, because he was so out of control. I think we put him back in his bed at least 20 times (this is no exaggeration), and I finally fell asleep at about 10:10pm, while Tyler was still talking in his bedroom. Seriously. At least he had stopped trying to come out of his room, but wasn't ready to settle down yet!

Lesson learned. Note to self - NO CAFFEINE for the boys - EVER!!!!!

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