Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Psycho and Velcro

Once there were two little boys, named Psycho and Velcro. They lived in a quaint ranch in a quiet neighborhood, and were very interesting boys.
Psycho, as he so earned his name, was named that after being about 6 months old, where he would literally cinch himself up so hard and squeeze, thus resulting in his whole body shaking in something that resembled a mini-seizure. These were few and far between, but nonetheless, they occurred almost daily. At first his parents worried, but soon learned it was just Psycho's way of letting off steam.

Psycho continued to earn his badge of psychotic honor after entering the "terrible two's" at about 14 months, and could throw tantrums like you've NEVER seen! To this day, his parents don't voluntarily bring him into a store/any public place where he could bolt, without bribes in tow. (Although his parents are STRONGLY against them, fruit snacks work almost every time!).
Not too long after that, Velcro was born. Velcro earned that name not too long after he came into this world, because for most of his infant life was spent in a sling, attached to his mom. After he grew out of the sling, he wanted to be carried by mom. Today, if I (oops, I mean, his mom) is within sight, Velcro wants to be held by her. This means while she is doing dishes, brushing her teeth, folding laundry, and even while changing clothes - which she hasn't figured out yet so he will stand right below her sobbing while she changes her clothes as fast as she can!
It will be interesting to see how these personality traits play out for both Psycho and Velcro as they grow up, and grow to be adults.
I have attached pictures of the guilty parties below....

Psycho, with his sinister grin

Velcro with Mom, imagine that....

1 comment:

loren said...

That last caption was a nice touch!

Alison is my Velcro, and Kristin is my Psycho. I'm not sure I've got Emma pegged... I think she's a Hermit Crab.

The kiddos are so cute (and look SO OLD!!! Is it just me?!?)