Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The best $1200 we ever spent!

Last fall, the water main in front of our house started leaking. This caused our front easement to turn to mush, and water to leak all over the street. The city was called - and by the time we got home from work that night, there were two tractors, one huge truck, and many guys digging in our front yard. You want to see heaven in some one's eyes - bring home a three year old to that!

The city did their work, which they charged us a mere $1200 for (we got a deal, because our neighbors down the street was fixed on the same day, so they basically cut the labor in half), digging up our front yard. They proceeded to leave it that way (dug up) all winter (not that we noticed with the 84 feet of snow we received), but as spring appeared, so did the dirt and mud.

As summer went on - Tyler started becoming more and more interested in the dirt. Now, it is the focus of our days. I've posted before about how they love to play in it - but that's nothing compared to now. Our lives revolve around this dirt - and it has provided hours and hours of entertainment for Tyler, and even Connor - although Connor's favorite thing to do is eat it.

Tyler is now playing baseball - in the dirt. He lays the baseball on the ground and basically golfs with it. It's awesome. I can sit here on the front step and blog - while he is totally entertained by dirt.

The city came last week and finally poured cement to fix the sidewalk they also had to dig up. They then smoothed out the dirt pile, but it is still very "playable". I'm dreading the day when they come to seed it. Then playtime is over. I'm seriously considering finding another "plot" in our yard to create a dirt pile. A sandbox will just attract cats, so dirt will be perfect!

If you would've asked me 4 years ago what I would be doing today - the LAST thing I would've answered is, watching my son play in the dirt - and be so perfectly happy with that!

1 comment:

loren said...

That's about the time my kids would become confined to the home. Wait... I'm already there.

We have a pile of rocks in our yard that Emma calls her "castle." They climb to the top and chuck rocks off of it.