Monday, August 25, 2008

They told me it'd be like this...

I remember when Tyler was about 11 months old, and was EVERYWHERE. He was at the age where you had to hover over him and chase him around - like you were chasing a chicken. Chase him out of the street, into the house, or out of the house. Into the bath, into bed, and just everywhere. Basically, up until just recently, I tried to keep my eye on him at all times, just because he'd been known to take off to just go exploring.

It's almost 8pm, and I'm sitting at the kitchen table. Tyler is playing with the neighbor boys outside. I can't see him, but I can hear him. He's having a blast. Connor is sleeping. This is nice.

People told me that it would get easier. I didn't believe them, because at that time, I couldn't see beyond the next day. Beyond getting up at 6am and chasing a toddler around to keep them from getting into trouble, or worse yet, hurting themselves.

Although I miss parts of the baby stage, I think this new found freedom for them, and for me, is something I could get used to!


loren said...

I think you're lying. The day will never come that I'm not chasing a child away from the street or the neighbor's pool or the window well with the dead toad.

K'man said...

I hear you say things like this and it makes me really wonder what the hell I have gotten myself into. We have #2 on the way and #1 keeps us pretty busy as it is. I imagine the next 2 years are going to be very trying.
As long as there is light at the end of the tunnel......