Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Issue of the Day

Once again, I totally forgot. I completely, totally forgot that one morning, while obviously feeling like Super Mom, I signed Connor up to bring treats for his Valentine's Day party tomorrow at daycare. At 6:30 in the morning sometimes, I feel like I could conquer the world.

So, here we are. 7pm. The night before the party and I JUST remembered that I had signed him up for treats. (At least I didn't forget completely this time like I did for Tyler's 4th birthday, and 3rd birthday.........).

I dashed to the pantry to see what I had. I have some instant brownie mix, some chocolate cupcake mix, some Tastefully Simple boxes (Apple Cake, Cinnamon muffins), and Oreos that have football helmets on them.

(Do you see where I'm going here?????)

I walked out to the living room and asked Kyle... "Okay, so, I forgot that I signed up to bring treats for Connor's class tomorrow. I have a choice: make chocolate cupcakes for a class of 12-24 month old kids, or bring Oreos that have football helmets on them that they would LOVE, but would seem like I'm a totally lame mom....?"

Kyle didn't say anything. He finally looked at me, and said, "I'm not going to make that decision, that's all you!" Thanks honey. Now I feel like a TOTAL heel.....

It was an easy decision. There was a time where I would've spent an hour making fancy sugar cookies, or ran to Wal-Mart at 9pm or even worse, 6am, to get the perfect snack so I looked like I was Super Mom. I'm kind of glad I attended Connor's Christmas party at daycare, because I saw what they do like. Some kids ate only marshmallows and M&Ms and called it a snack since it was officially a "junk food snack day".

That's not me anymore. Call me lazy. Call me a slacker. There are more important things in life now, like talking to Tyler, just sitting with our family, or more importantly, my sanity.

Those little kids will LOVE the Oreos....

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