This picture was taken before 8am last summer. Notice the direction of the sun from the shadow!While waiting on hold for the doctor today (in order to attempt to get rid of this complete crud I've been fighting) the voice on the phone was talking about different activities that they suggest for families to get their children outside, and to prevent childhood obesity. Seriously, some people have a hard time getting their kids outside?
This triggered something in my mind. We're soon entering - "SUMMER!".
Although summer is definitely my favorite time of the year, my boys love it too. So much that when they are up at 6am on Saturday, they are already asking to go outside. Our Saturday mornings go something like this:
6:15am: Tyler asks to go outside. I tell him no, it's barely light out. Connor will stand at the window, "Side... side... side... side... side?"
6:20am: Tyler asks to go outside. He'll be good he promises! I tell him no, we haven't even eaten yet.
6:30am: Tyler asks for a Popsicle. I tell him no, we have to eat real food first. "Please can I have a Popsicle, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, MOOOMMMMMMMMYYYYY!!!"
6:32am: Tyler opens front door and goes outside, in his pajamas. I chase him outside, also in my pajamas. Neighbors probably laugh their asses off.
Continue this type of crap until I lose my mind, or the kids win. Usually by 8am we're outside, if it's sunny out. Or not sunny. Or rainy, or windy, or cloudy, or cold. I take up my station on the driveway, where I sit and read the paper, while the boys push toys back and forth and back and forth on the sidewalk. (With an occasional "go get Connor" from down the street, in there). Luckily, with their new obsession with golf, I can see Kyle being highly involved in this weekend morning ritual.
Never have we had a problem with the boys wanting to play outside. Actually, we have to try to prevent the tantrums from when they have to come in. We've resigned to eating outside, and actually at a very weak moment, I let them bathe outside in their pool. We were going to be emptying it anyway, so why not save water? We grabbed the soap and went to town.
I'm going to have to find some more clever ways to keep the boys inside, at least during nightime hours. Locks don't work - they can undo them. Childproof locks don't work either, because Tyler can just pound them off the door. I'm thinking we'll have to get some chain locks for the door, and put them up high so no one can reach them - except us, of course.
So, we're entering summer. Otherwise known as "tantrum season". Let the fun begin!