Thursday, March 12, 2009

Being sick at 35 and at 4

I finally jinxed myself. I got a cold. Not just any cold, a knock-me-on-my-ass and make me feel like a baby, cold. Or flu. Or whatever. Whatever it is, I just want to be back to normal.

I was just bragging on Monday that I had been taken my Melaleuca vitamins since last June, and haven't been sick once. That is a record for me - because I usually have my fall cold, and my November case of bronchitis - at least. Usually, I have a sinus infection somewhere in December and a runny nose all through January. This year, I didn't experience any of those. I've had more energy, slept better, and overall been perfect. Until now.

This is killing me. My throat feels like I swallowed sandpaper. I cough so hard I pee my pants (thanks to four hours of pushing in labor with Tyler!), and feel so yucky all over, that it is honestly taking a lot of effort for me to type right now.

Tyler is sick too. He had a fever of 102.5 last night when he went to bed, and when he woke up this morning. He had one dose of ibuprofin at about 8am, and he is good as new. I mistakenly replaced the batteries in his chain saw, and Holy. Lord. My head feels like it's going to explode from the sound of that horrible toy.

Whatever crud this is we're all passing around, I hope it's gone soon. I hate feeling this wore down, weak, and overall helpless. Ick.

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