Thursday, April 9, 2009

Comfort Food

Tonight I felt like poop. I'm worn down to nothing, and have been fighting off something since I woke up at 2am today. You know when you woke up and your throat feels just funny enough that you go "that's not right..."?

As I walked out of work late tonight, one thing was on my mind. I just wanted to feel better so I can seamlessly make it through the day tomorrow. That's when McDonald's came to mind.

McDonald's is my most favorite comfort food in the world. When I'm not feeling well - it makes me feel better. When I'm frustrated or stressed - it calms me down. I could drink their iced tea every day, and french fries...well, they are straight from heaven.

I'm pretty sure my obsession started before I was even born. My mom said she used to enjoy Big Macs as often as she could when she was pregnant with us. Then for the first 4 years of my life, when we lived just outside Chicago, there was a McDonald's a couple of blocks from our house. Very convenient for a mom with two rambunctious kids.

I remember always looking forward to McDonald's. I had my 5th birthday there. I would beg my parents every week to go there (well, ask nicely!). And today, I find myself there at least once a week, sometimes more. Tyler loves their cheeseburgers (without pickles) and Connor loves their chicken nuggets!
Tonight I got a cheeseburger, fries and a Hi-C Orange Drink (also straight from heaven!).

I'm happy.

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