Monday, February 25, 2008

As I sit here, I smile...

I'm sitting on the couch, just spent the last couple of hours catching up on some work that I'm too far behind on. The boys were both in bed by 8pm, and I think Tyler was asleep about when his head hit the pillow. So - it's been a quiet night for us.

When it's quiet, Kyle and I don't talk a lot - as I'm usually working and he's usually watching TV, and we even had a couple small disagreements tonight just because that's the kind of "edgy" mood were both in. He ended up watching the Golf Channel - which is so incredibly boring to me, it's annoying - even though I wasn't even watching it. Just hearing people talk about different golf drills make me cringe. (I'm sure he thinks the same thing when I start playing the Oprah's I DVR every day.)

But even when we're not talking, there is so much being said between us, it's scarey. Anyone that is married knows this. Sometimes - you say the loudest things when you don't say anything at all.

Kyle just got up to go to bed, and as I hear him go down the hall, I hear Connor's bedroom door open. That means Kyle went in and checked on Connor. Then I hear Tyler's door open - he went and checked on Tyler too. That used to be MY thing. I used to check on the boys before I got in bed, and then again, in the middle of the night. Kyle has assumed the "checking duty" before bed for quite a while now - and I don't even say anything.

Just hearing that for some reason, made me smile.

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