Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One day of clean roads, maybe?

I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to possibly driving to work today on clean roads. Or, at least, the interstate. I swear to God there is some conspiracy going on, and we actually live on the North Pole right now. I've watched the Discovery Channel, I know what it looks like up there - and what we have now looks WORSE! 2 more inches of snow and you won't be able to see our mailbox, and the 2 foot tall Santa that I had stuck in the ground next to the mailbox - I haven't seen him since December 27th! Did I mention it's supposed to snow again tomorrow? I can't wait!

This weather is really starting to wear on me, and my body. I think ALL of our bodies. Tyler, I'm not worried about. He has the immune system of a tank - although it took us about 2 years of being sick every 14 days to get there. I swear they could bring in the Ebola virus, and he wouldn't blink an eye.

My wonderful bronchitis has settled so deep in my chest, it hurts. I went Saturday and got the heavy-duty antibiotics - but I know my body. All that will do is shorten this crap to about 1 week instead of 3. It just has to run its course. When I cough I sound like I have TB, sure must be wonderful for my co-workers that get to sit next to me all day long in meetings. If I were them, I would carry a can of Lysol around.

They just announced on the news that this is the beginning of Flu Season! The beginning? Are you KIDDING me??? I'm starting to feel like a hibernating bear - and this is the BEGINNING?

Okay - enough of my whining. Connor is getting cuter every day now. I picked him up from daycare yesterday, and he couldn't get to me fast enough! In the past, I've seen him scoot "army crawl" style around, but had never seen him high-tail it in an official crawl. Yesterday, he was BOOKIN'! It's so nice to see that when you pick them up from daycare. Tyler was happy to see him - told me all about his day, and he proceded to ask me questions the whole way home.

Well, better go warm up the car. It's a whole -8 outside right now. HEATWAVE! It looks like it's supposed to get to 29 today. I'll have to break out the bikini! (On second though - I won't torture anything with that!)

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