Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ever been jealous...

of the Ambien commercials? I see those commercials, and sometimes just want to reach through the screen and strangle the nice people that are getting their "at least 8 hours of rested sleep", just to feel some satisfaction.

Ever since Tyler was born, I was quickly introducted to the fact that I have no control over the amount of sleep I get anymore. This being Jenny - the person that used to be teased about "turning into a pumpkin" if I didn't go to bed before a certain time. I've always been a fanatic about getting enough sleep, and I have no idea why. Even on the weekends, if given a choice (pre-kids) of staying up until 2am and having fun, or having a so-so night and being in bed by 9pm, I would've chose the latter.

Tyler FINALLY slept through the night when he was 8 months old. It was SO hard before that - he was always sick, and generally, just a bad sleeper. After 8 months, he started sleeping through the night, but still woke up at the butt-crack of dawn, which I then got used to.

Then Connor came along, who is a totally different kid than Tyler in so many ways, especially when he started sleeping through the night at 3 months old. Seriously - I didn't have to do anything. He just did it. He would go to bed around 7pm, sleep until 5 or 6am, then take a bottle and sometimes even go back to sleep for an hour or so. It was heaven, but didn't last more than 2 months or so when he started waking up about once a night. By that point my body was used to getting a whole night of sleep again, and the change was torture.

Lately - our house is NUTS at night. It seems like bedtime goes on all night long. Then when they finally ARE asleep, I want to spend at least 20 minutes doing something for myself, like logging in to work (how sick is that), so I can stay somewhat caught up. Then I get in bed around 9:30ish, and am usualy trying to go to sleep around 10pm. Then the circus starts.

Connor has been waking up at least twice a night - I believe because of his ears. After his surgery yesterday, I hope this subsides. The new phenomenon in our house is Tyler waking up in the middle of the night. Two nights ago, he was up three times. Finally ending up in our bed at 3am, which means you might as well give up trying to get any sleep yourself. He finally peed all over our bed around 6am (glad I was already up) because I think the last time he got up he really needed to potty, but was too tired to realize that. So, he peed the equivalent of his weight through his pull-up and all over our bed (and Kyle, ha ha). Although I am thrilled that Tyler is taking his potty training to the next level, I could do without the being jolted awake at 4am with someone standing over me whispering "Mommy, I have to go POTTY!".

All of this lack of sleep makes for some really crabby parents. I really don't remember what we fought about tonight, but it was typical of an "exhaustion fight", as I've started referring to them. When you are so tired that everything bothers you, you want to fight about everything, and everything is WAY worse than it really is.

People remind me that "this too shall pass", so I try to keep that in mind. You know how you take baby pictures and keep a journal, etc., so you can remember those moments when they are gone? That's one of the reasons I started this blog - so I can go back to it later and go "oh, yea, I remember being that tired...". Until then, I'm just going to loathe the Ambien people and their smug little smiles.... someday that will be me...... someday.

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