Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Tyler's diet will save us money....

Kyle is "down south" hunting today with his "gang". (down south = around Brighton, gang = Jamie Jenn and his posse)

That means it's just me and the boys today. No problem. I have pleanty of things to keep them entertained, I hope, but I think our strategy will change a bit. My old strategy was get as much fun food for Tyler to keep him (and myself) distracted. We probably would've already picked up McDonalds for breakfast (he loves their hashbrowns and me, their pancakes - oh and their COFFEE!), and been back. Not today. I pretty much let Tyler have whatever he wants whenever he wants, as long as it's within the limits of his diet. Today he had his "diet compliant" mac and cheese with mixed vegetables mixed in. For breakfast.... eecckkk! But, he ate it all.

For dinner tonight, I probably would've ordered a pizza. Not now. Maybe we'll figure out how to make our own pizza, maybe with "diet compliant" alfredo sauce (I found a cool recipe on the internet) with black olives (which he would eat until they were coming out his ears) or something. So, we're going to save a lot of money - and maybe the "diet" isn't such a bad idea for me too! (I could use it if I want to fit in to any of my summer clothes!)

Since I started this blog in an attempt to capture some of the stuff that goes on around this house, here is another classic conversation Tyler and I had over breakfast.

(Tyler was sitting with his food on his "Rainforest Cafe" placement, with all of the animals on it. The Rainforest Cafe is a restaurant in Woodfield Mall that Aunt Beth took us to last Spring.)

Tyler: "There's an elephant on here."

Me: "Yep"

Tyler: "Was there an elephant there when we were there?"

Me: "I don't remember, was there an elephant there?",

Tyler: "Yea, and he was big and he ate all our food and sprayed us, and then went down the hill then up the hill. Then he went to daycare, and ate the windows, and I said 'No No Elephant, you be nice. You go to time out' and the elephant did, and then he went away. Right Mommy?"

Me (smirking): "Right, Tyler!"

I witnessed some of this "imagination play" when I picked the boys up from daycare a little early yesterday. Almost all of the kids were running around just pretending all sorts of anything they could think of. It was so cute. Pretending to play with puppies, or be princesses. And Tyler pretends that huge animals are eating his daycare building.... Should I be worried? =)

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