Monday, January 28, 2008

Now I know how that happens!

Yesterday my in-laws watched the boys for a few hours so Kyle could play some indoor golf, and I went in to work for a bit, then did a little shopping. It was nice - and I picked the boys up at about 3pm.

Tyler usually naps during the week at 12:30 - but I'm fairly flexible with him on the weekends - as long as he HAS a nap. (If he doesn't have one, watch out!) So when I picked the boys up yesterday, he of course hasn't slept because he was playing hard with Grandma and Grandpa, so fell asleep on the way home.

We pull into the garage, and I carefully remove his shoes, making sure not to disturb him too much in order to carry him in to the house so he can continue sleeping. Well, that plan didn't work - he woke up, and fought me so hard to NOT take a nap that I gave up, and ended up letting him stay up. It wasn't too bad, he was tolerable for the rest of the evening, didn't have too many meltdowns, ate his supper well, and was asleep by 7:30.

This morning, I'm in my Monday morning meeting that starts at 7:30. Around 7:50 my cell phone rings and I can see it's Kyle. "Oh crap!", I think, "if he's calling my cell phone at this time - this couldn't be good. Someone's sick or something happened."

I sneak out of the conference room and answer my phone...

"Hello...", I whisper.
"WHERE ARE TYLER'S SHOES???", Kyle yells, very frutrated.
I stop and think....
"Oh, shit!", I say, once again in a whisper, "they WERE on top of my CAR!"

Yesterday as I was stealthy removing Tyler from my car, I placed his shoes on top of the car. He had taken them off on the way home. And that's where I left them - on top of the car.

This morning I took Connor to daycare at about 6:30 (since he's up WAY before the rest of his "carpool"), and then I can get to work a few minutes before my meetings start. I apparently drove down the road and somewhere along the way, the shoes probably flew off the top of my car.

Just to make it even better - Tyler is the fattest feet ever, so I have to special order his shoes off the internet to get Extra Wide sizes, and they usually cost about $60. So, I only buy one pair at a time, and he wears those until they are falling apart, and I buy another pair. The only other "shoes" he has are his Spiderman boots.

So, Tyler went to daycare with Spiderman boots today, and I had to order him a new pair of shoes online that will arrive tomorrow - which means he'll be wearing those boots again. I think they are letting him run around in his socks at daycare since it's almost 50 degrees out here now (much warmer than last week were boots would've been nice!).

I received an e-mail from my husband about an hour ago, saying:

Order a new pair and overnight them if you can. I did not see them to or from daycare.

I used to always wonder when you saw those random shoes sitting along side of the interstate, how that could happen. Now I know.

UPDATE: 12PM!!! Can you believe this???

Kyle just called and said on his way north on the Interstate, found the shoes lying on the side of the road in the only dry spot within miles. He stopped and got the shoes, picked them up, brushed them off, and turned around to drop them off at daycare! Just to put this into perspective, that means I drove about 3 miles to daycare, brought Connor in to daycare, drove to the Gas Station - got my coffee, then drove anouther 3 miles or so to the interstate - all with his shoes on top of my car!

And yes, I'm accepting nominations for Blonde Moment of the Year!


Qtpies7 said...

LOL That is funny that you didn't seem them at any of the stops!

Amy said...

That's hilarious. I'm glad you didn't have to buy another pair, but maybe it would be a good idea despite the cost. Like when kids have lovies, to have two.