Sunday, December 30, 2007

Detox - Day 2, and our floor!

We started The Feingold Diet yesterday. I spent about 3 hours grocery shopping on Friday to find the right foods, and quickly became very interested in what the contents of food really are. I cannot even begin to explain what some of these things are, much less how to pronounce them. I was amazed though at how some of the common foods you wouldn't think about, are okay for Tyler to eat. He can have Fritos and regular Lay's Potato Chips, but can't have apples. Go figure.

Yesterday Tyler spent the day with his cousin Mason, and I think they ran themselves ragged. He was exhausted last night. Today he actually seems to be doing good. No tantrums this morning, was never thrown into time out, and never tried to hit or step on Connor. He did squeeze his hand a couple times, but hey - we're light years ahead of where we were! I can't wait to see what happens going forward. Of course, Tyler cannot eat ANY of the food they serve at daycare. Do you know what a pain in the butt it's going to be to pack a lunch and two snacks, EVERY DAY for him? I know this is for a good reason, and Tyler thinks it's pretty cool as well. I went through the fridge and pantry and put "Tyler" stickers on everything he could eat. (Seriously, we have stickers with his name on them), so he thinks that's neat that he has "special food". Even special gum!

And now on to the floor.... Kyle and I put a new floor in our kitchen about 2 years ago or so. Nice Pergo. About a month ago we noticed that when you walked behind the kitchen table, the floor was "squishy". We had Larry (who put the floor in) come over and take a look at it a week ago, and he took some of the Pergo up, and guess what - we need new flooring. It was SOAKED! The culprit - Sir Tyler! When he takes his baths, there is ALWAYS water that ends up on the floor, sometimes more than I know (when I have to step out for a minute). I've witnessed him taking entire cupfulls of water and dumping them on the floor. Our floor must have a slant just good enough that the water went under the trim, and soaked into the subfloor. So we had to tear up some of the bathroom tiles. It's okay under the bathroom, just where it leaked into the kitchen. Now we have to wait for the wood to dry, scrub off the mildew - likely do some touchup painting, recaulk, etc., etc. The cord you see is from the fan we have to dry up the floor, and yes, that is a matchbox car against the wall...

It never ceases to amaze me the fun we have around here!!!

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