Thursday, December 6, 2007

Never dry off with your pajamas...

Yesterday was one for the books. The alarm clock went off at 4:45 as usual, and I headed to the shower. Both kids slept through the night, so I was fairly rested - well, whatever 6.5 hours of sleep (with one bathroom break) can give you.

After my shower, I opened the shower curtain - and realized that there were no towels in the bathroom. 0. (I had washed them the night before, and they were still in the dryer! I hadn't had time to fold the laundry the night before - but that doesn't mean much, because IF the laundry gets folded, it RARELY gets put away that night.) So I stand there, soaking wet, not wanting to leave the warm bathroom into the freezing house to search for a clean towel - so I dried off with the sweatshirt I had worn to bed the night before. Not my preference, but it worked.

When I left the house at 6:50 in the morning, both boys were up, though as I was walking out the door, Tyler was lying in the middle of the kitchen floor screaming because he wanted candy canes for breakfast. Not over my dead body. I told Kyle I owed him a million dollars for putting up with that, and I headed off to work.

When I arrived in the parking lot at 7:27 (Note: Staff with my boss starts at 7:30), I am literally trying to jog as fast as I can on 1 inch of ice, in 1.5 inch heels. That must've been funny. By the time I got to the guard shack I still hadn't found my badge in my purse, which I had been digging through while I was running. I walked into the guard shack and told the guard I just needed to put some of my stuff down so I could dig through my purse for my badge. He just looked at my really funny and said, "It's around your neck". Sure enough, I look down, and there it is. If there was ever a definition of a blonde moment - that was it.

By the time I arrived at my boss' staff, I was rounding the corner to hysterical, and I don't even want to know what my blood pressure was. I could just feel it - it there could've been a guage on my head, it would've been in the "Danger" zone.

The day went on - meeting after meeting after meeting, by noon I hadn't even been able to read my e-mails yet - although 138 waited for me. The meetings continued throughout the afternoon, and had my performance review for 2008 at 3:30 and at 5pm I had to tell her I had to leave to go get the kids. I felt bad needing to do that, but my husband couldn't get them. I literally sprinted back to my office, grabbed my coat and gloves, didn't even bother to turn off any of the lights, and left. Papers were falling on the floor, etc., but I had to go. I ran to the car, and drove home like a maniac. I passed two cars on Highway 965 that were going 45 miles per hour (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!??!!??) And arrived at daycare at 5:41. At least they weren't the last kids there.

We got home, and Tyler was in a fairly good mood - but Connor was a crab. I held him, and guess what? He had a temperature of 100.3! Surprise! Poor guy, he's likely coming down with what his brother had last week. I'm home with him today - which is probably a good thing. I had about 1/2 hour free in my schedule today from 11:30 to 12, which would've likely been filled with some other bogus meeting to discuss something else that won't change - and would've come home tonight with 284 unread e-mails like the last 2 days.

Being at home, I can actually read e-mail, take care of the baby, and hopefully get my blood pressure down to the normal range.

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