Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve - Then and Now


  1. Buy cool new outfit
  2. Plan what bars to go to, or what person's house to go to
  3. Buy lots of beer/wine
  4. Start partying at about 6 or 7.
  5. Have a blast - dance, sing, and drink a lot.
  6. Party the night away, end around 1 or 2 am.
  7. Go home and sleep until I wake up.
  8. Spend the day lounging around, trying to rehydrate my body.


  1. Stay home with a sick baby

Yep, it's confirmed. Connor has his first ear infection. That, and a version of RSV most likely. They had 3 confirmed cases in his daycare room, so the doctor said that is what is likely causing all of the junk, he just doesn't have the bad version where you need a nebulizer or hospitalization. So, he's sick.

Oh, well. I won't have to spend the day tomorrow trying to pump myself full of water and food in order to recooperate. Our plan was to have the boys go to Kyle's parents house, but that won't be happening now. For some reason, Kyle still thinks it would be "fun" for Tyler to go over there. I'd rather save our "kids stay the night for free" ticket until a night where we can both go out and have a good time!

Oh, and we have a new child in our house. His name is Tyler. TOTALLY DIFFERENT KID! The biggest fight we had over the last day was making him put his shoes on this morning. No hitting, punching, yelling, yipping (that was his new thing), and a generally calm child. I really hope this continues! I'm thrilled!

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