Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice Storm 2007 - Take 2

We're spending the day at home today due to the (hopefully) last ice storm of 2007. There is about 1/4 inch of ice on everything in North Liberty - and it's 32.5 degrees outside. All the schools are closed, and I didn't want to chance it driving to work today - so I'm working from home. Well - working is very relative when you have two kids and a cranky husband at home as well.

Connor seems to be doing much better - but had to dip in to my "co-pay bucket" last night when I took him to the doctor. When Kyle picked him up from daycare yesterday they said he'd been rubbing his ear all day, and I thought "Here we go - THIS is an ear infection". That would explain the being up every 2 hours, and being so sick.

I called the Dr. at 5:45 when I got home, and got him in at 6:30. One thing I can definitely say about the Doctor's office we go to is that they can get you in the day you call, no matter what. Especially if it's for a possible ear infection. Unfortunately, I had to see the doctor on call, who was Dr. Boyson. Not "Mr. Personality". Tyler is scared of him because he doesn't smile, and cried the last time he saw him. No one scares Tyler. He's a fairly good looking doctor, but totally negates all of that with his crappy attitude and solemn demeanor. When you talk to him he acts like you're speaking Chinese, and doesn't offer any solutions - you are treated like a number. But - that's what I get for service in 45 minutes.

No ear infection, just a virus. The Dr. said he sounds like all the other kids he's seen the last month - congested and junky. I'm still wondering though about seeing a specialist about his chest. He's been "junky" since he was 2 weeks old. My sister-in-law recommended a Pulmonary doctor to see if he could have the beginnings of Asthma, which is what I've always thought. I'm going to check in to that.

After all of that, he slept until 5am today, took a bottle, then went back to sleep until about 6:30, which is great for him. He is very happy now, and just keeps staring at me and smiling! I love the fact that he smiles at me all the time. I always tell him "I'm going to be his #1 woman for about the next 12 years"! =) Hopefully longer!

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