Saturday, December 15, 2007

Oh, What a Night!

Okay - who in their right mind would schedule a Daycare Christmas Program between the hours of 1 and 3? The ENTIRE daycare shuts their lights off every day from 12:30 to 2:30 so the kids can nap, and about 90% of them do during that time (I've seen it - it's amazing!). So why would they schedule a Potluck Christmas program during that time, you ask??? I have NO idea!

First, it should be considered an Olympic sport getting 2 kids dressed in their Christmas clothes, in under 20 minutes. I was literally sweating when I walked out the door, and it was about 10 degrees outside! We arrived just after 1pm, to a PACKED room of kids, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc., and easily over 100 sleep deprived kids, who were all operating on adrenaline at that point. We stayed just long enough for Tyler to sing his song, which he really didn't sing, because he was too busy skipping back and forth in front of the line of kids, and couldn't stand still to save his life. Everyone got a good laugh out of it, except his parents who were getting tired of chasing him down.
He slept in the car for about 3 minutes on the way home, then woke up too much when we brought him in the house - and decided then that he didn't want to nap at all. It was 3pm, which means it's too late to fight him down for a nap - because we will win, but it wouldn't have been until 4pm, then he would've napped until after 6pm, and the WHOLE night would've been a disaster. And we couldn't have cut the nap short. One VERY VALUEABLE lesson I've learned is "half a nap is worse than no nap at all". I used to think that a half hour would be better than nothing. WRONG! Then they're tired, and feel like crap. Kind of like someone getting you out of bed at 1am and pushing you along all day.

Tyler and I went to Target tonight, and he was pretty good, but the night went downhill after 6pm. Since he was too tired, he didn't listen, and because he didn't listen, he put his hand on the hot burner after we told him specifically to get away from the stove, about 24 times. He put his hand right in the middle of it, and now has burn blisters on three fingertips on his hands. I have a feeling we'll be hearing about that tonight, and likely for a couple of days. It looks like it hurt a lot!
We did have the most beautiful snowfall all day today - it's what I refer to as "movie snow", just like you would see in the movies, and it went on like that all day. There were times today when I thought what was going on could've been a movie (getting the kids ready, watching Tyler sprint around the rec center room, putting Spider Man band-aids on three fingertips!), but it's just our life. Although, I wouldn't trade it for the world...

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