Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Need More Prayers
We were in the doctor's office on Christmas Eve with Connor for another ear infection, and were complaining a bit - and I then mentioned, jokingly, "he could have leukemia"....
How little did we know that the little boy, Jason, that lives across the street from us, would be in the hospital receiving chemotherapy now for his AML, which is the most severe form of leukemia that a child can have, and is usually only diagnosed in adults.
We need your prayers please, and stay tuned for some fund raisers.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Think he could do our taxes?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I love you to the moon and back
"Wow, Tyler, LOOK at that MOON!", I said.
He replied, "Holy Cow, that is the biggest moon I've ever seen in my WHOLE life!"
"Yep," I said. "It's absolutely beautiful!"
Tyler paused for a minute, and then said the most amazing thing I think I've ever heard him say...
"Mommy, we need to buy that moon."
"Why?", I asked.
"Because, it's so beautiful, I think we just need to touch it. If we buy it, we can hold it in our hands. And it's really really nice to hold beautiful things in our hands."
Tears instantly sprung to my eyes. I spent the rest of the trip to daycare trying to choke back the tears that kept welling up.
It's amazing how fast they grow up. How many things you take for granted, and then how they can surprise you instantly with something so heartfelt that it makes you want to melt.
And this is my little boy.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How procrastination paid off!
I'm not sure when this obsession with procrastinating started, but I'm really good at it now. Today included!
While sitting in a meeting this morning with a supplier, I remembered that my drivers license needed to be renewed by tomorrow, because it was 60 days past its expiration date. Yes, I have remembered this about 15 times since my birthday, but because the bullet wasn't 1 centimeter from my head, I pushed snooze and went on with my life.
I decided today I had better go, just in case they were closed tomorrow because they have the most hokey hours I have ever heard of!
So, I leave work at 10am and drive over there. It's just started snowing, and it's about 1 degree outside. Nice time to be running errands.
I arrive in what I'm pretty sure was the waiting room for hell. This place was insane! The line to check in was about 15 people long, and the cattle were herded everywhere, from chairs, to lines, to another set of chairs, to a "waiting for my printed picture, I'm almost made it out of here - THANK GOD!" huddle by the door. I decided I had to suck it up, so I waited patiently, and tried not to touch anything.
Holy Lord the characters that were in there were scary. Seriously, there was a lady with a baby, and she was wearing shorts. Did I mention it was 1 degree outside and SNOWING! There was an 89 year old lady behind me (she was telling everyone her age), sharing her story of how the nice janitor at her home took out warm buckets of water on Sunday to melt the ice on every one's car so they could go running errands. She laughed "Ha, Ha, we didn't realize that because our cars were icy that the roads would be icy too!"
I wasn't laughing. I was scared.
I finally get shuffled through everything, take my horrible picture, and am in the "THANK GOD I'm almost out of here" huddle, and they call me up to the counter.
Holy Crap! What have I done! Are they going to take away my license? My mind was racing.
"Because you waited so long today, here is your $20 back", the girl said. She handed me back my $20 that I had paid to renew my license, and apologized for my long wait. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say, but for some cheesy reason the only thing I could think of was "Merry Christmas!" (Yes, I am just cheesy like that!)
So, procrastination paid off again. I hate it when that constantly gets validated! Now, I just have to finish my Christmas shopping..... but first, after that visit today, I think I need a shower.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Daycare Christmas Program 2008 - a.k.a. Insanity!
Holy Mother of Tae Bo
When Tyler was about one, I started running again. I would just put him in a little push-car toy we have, and push him in the car while I jogged behind it. Yes - it looked ridiculous, but I got a workout which was desperately needed. That worked until the weather got colder, and then I was pregnant again.
Since then, its been totally hit and miss. I tried going to a "Curves" type gym, but that just wasn't for me. In order to get motivated to workout, I need some high impact stuff. I could leave that gym without even sweating. I got bored of it quickly.
I decided I should start working out again, and since I don't like to be gone from the house for 12 hours a day, I decided it should be something I could to at home. Treadmill....too dangerous if Connor is up. I could see him trying to climb on that as I was running and possible lose a finger, or me hopping off of it ever 2 minutes to do something.
Last week Connor found my Tae Bo CD that I had bought years ago. Back in about 1998 I was an avid Tae Bo exerciser, and LOVED it! The BEST workout I'd ever had. I had wanted to start again, but couldn't find the CD. Connor found it which means that was either bad luck (I HAD to start working out again!), or good luck, because I desperately need it!
We (me and the boys) did Tae Bo this morning in the living room. Well, me, the boys, and Billy Blanks. I stopped after 25 minutes because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to life my arms tomorrow! Holy Mother of Tae Bo, I'm sore already!
So, see ya later gut! I'm tired of you sticking out further than my tiny chest. And see you later gooey thighs - you're not going to be around much longer! The old "healthy" Jenny is going to back - and soon!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Tree - Take 2
Saturday, December 6, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things...
Kyle went to a friend's birthday party here in town. We didn't have a babysitter so I could go, but I was okay with that.
Connor went to bed at 7:10.
Tyler was asleep by 7:45 (he refused to take a nap today).
I did Christmas shopping on Amazon for Connor, Tyler, Kyle and my Dad & Mom.
Now I'm just messing around on the internet, while listening to music on YouTube.
I LOVE these nights. Pure quiet. Just ME time. Which is WAY overdue and so much needed.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is awesome!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
We might be on to something
Kyle called me at work today and told me when Tyler and Connor got home - he was taking Tyler to the rec center. He said Tyler asked this morning, and he told Tyler if he had a good day he would take him.
Fast forward to 7:15 as they are walking back in the door coming home. I could hear Tyler crying all the way in the garage, and this was the "I'm tired, didn't get my way, and you totally pissed me off" cry. It's beautiful.
Kyle said Tyler wanted an orange pop as they were leaving, and he wouldn't buy him one. Start meltdown here, which apparently continued the whole way home in the car, and virtually continued on and off until I got Tyler to sleep at 8:15 tonight, which is VERY early for him.
Here's what I think happened....
Tyler has figured out these things called "vending machines". He also knows where they are. He knows I have machines at work that give you gum and doritos (he came to work with me last weekend to drop something off), and he frequently asks to stop at gas stations to get gum, and where it all comes together - the last time we left the pool at the rec center, Tyler got a 7-up. I think Tyler wanted to go to the rec center to play, but it was also partially a cover for wanting a pop.
Clever kid. I could possibly start delegating the grocery shopping to him. Imagine that - grocery shopping out of a vending machine. It would get old eating animal crackers, pretzels and Twizzlers, but hey - that's how I survived in college AND I would get a whole hour back in my weekend!!! No more lines at Wal-Mart, trying to Connor to sit down in the cart, or trying to make that critical decision like "do I buy a Totinos pizza for 99 cents or a rising crust pizza for $5?"
We might be on to something.....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
"What were you thinking?" Chapter 1
Seriously, we were all 4 at the mall, and split up for a bit, where Tyler and Kyle ended up at Target. I have no idea how Tyler talked Kyle into buying him this large-grip, black Sharpie marker, but we now have (correction - our FOUR YEAR OLD now has) one.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Safe...no. Fun...YES!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I Love Edward
Friday night, I sucked it up, and went to the 9:45 movie (I normally don't stay up voluntarily past 10pm) with some friends. Actually, it was exciting.
One of the girls bought tickets at noon, which was good because tickets for the 9:45 show sold out by 4pm. We waited in line for nearly an hour, just to GET IN to the theatre, and once in there - it was a mad dash to get a good seat. Of course, the four of us women were four out of about only twenty women, over the age of 20. There were A LOT of teenagers, which made it even more exciting, I guess cause it reminded us of high school.
By the time the movie started, I must say I had had fun so far, but actually wasn't looking forward to a movie about vampires. How silly could that be?
I cannot say how wrong I was. The movie was AWESOME. It was a bit dark (duh - it's about vampires), and I didn't care too much for the lead actress (Kristen Stewart), but Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) made up for it. He's the main vampire in the movie (yes, there are multiple vampires) and I'm totally in love with him now. He has the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen, and every time he looked deeply at someone, it's almost as though he could melt them with his stare.
I started reading the book at about 7am Saturday when I was up with the kids, and although I haven't made it too far, I'm sure I won't be disappointed. If the book created a following like it did, and the movie was as good as it was - I'm excited to get into the first book, and then the next three.
Now I just have to break it to my husband that I'm in love with a vampire.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Motrin Wave
What do you think...
The first thing I said to myself is, "Are you kidding me?!?!" I imagine this ad must have been put together by a couple of 22-year-old interns, and they somehow, got it past all senior leadership at Motrin and actually put the ad on TV, and magazines that are now on newsstands everywhere.
I get the point of the ad. "Babywearing causes backaches, so take Motrin.", but they way they go about it by saying "It makes me look like a cool mom", and suggesting that "Mom's that wear slings cry more..." What???
I think Connor lived in his sling until he was literally falling out of it. Having a 2 year old to chase around at the time, didn't leave me many options. I could do virtually anything with Connor in his sling, including grocery shopping (with both hands), cook supper, give Tyler a bath, go for a walk, or even, sit and read a book. Seriously, I would not have survived Connor's first 6 months without it.
After probably being attacked by thousands of e-mails (not to mention the hundreds of blogs that are discussing this now, including this one and this one), if you Google "Motrin Commercial", you come up with about a million hits, and just reading some of them from the first view - the titles include;
- "Motrin Commercial Angers Moms"
- "Motrin Faces Twitter Headache over new Commercial"
- "Motrin Learns, Hell hath no fury like baby-wearing moms"
I also learned that Twitter, a site many use to send instant messages to each other, reached it's 1200 post archive limit for a 12 hour period, with messages related to this topic.
Although one could argue, yes, there are more important things to be passionate about, but trying to suggest that I have to remember to "think about me when my back is hurting from lugging this burden of a child around with me all day" (okay, not a direct quote), is insane.
I can assure you, I needed LESS Motrin because of using my sling. Fewer arm aches, less headaches, and most especially, one of the happiest babies I had ever seen. I literally had strangers come up to me in every store and ask where I got my sling. It generated so much positive conversation, and the key to that story is - I was in stores. Shopping. With a 4 week, or 8 week or 16 week old baby, who wasn't fussing or crying. When I put Connor in his sling, he would fall asleep. I used to joke that it was my tool for an automatic nap.
So, Motrin has pulled the ad, thousands of moms are furious at Motrin. Hopefully, when I go back to school someday to get my MBA, maybe I can study the economic effect of poor advertising choices that corporations make. This would be at the top of my list.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My 25 month old
No wonder my back hurts.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Things that happened before I even left the house today...
- I woke up at 4:58 with Tyler's face approximately 2 inches from mine, him breathing in my face. Tyler is apparently allergic to sleep now, and has been waking up at least twice in the middle of the night, and at about 5am, plus or minus 15 minutes. (More on the minus)
- Connor woke up just as I was about to start drying my hair. Since Connor wants to be connected to me the first 15 minutes he's up in the morning, I sat him on the sink next to me. Try drying your hair with the lights going on and off and on and off and on and off. I can only pray that it looks halfway decent when I'm done!
- I called Santa Clause to tell him Tyler was being bad. Luckily - Santa has the same phone number as our voicemail.
- I had to put Tyler's socks on the refridgerator, as he was using them as whips on all of us, including Connor.
- I left my (untouched) coffee in the pantry, and didn't realize until I was about 10 minutes into my commute.
And that was only the start, of what turned out to be, no so much better of a day.
At least tomorrow is a new day. We'll start all over!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Night Night
I walked into his room and asked him if he wanted me to read him books - to which he walked over to his bookshelf and found a book and brought it to me.
After about two more books, he got up up and walked to his crib. I grabbed his blanket and handed it to him, and turned on his Rainforest machine in his bed.
He looked at me and said "Night Night". Then he waved goodbye. I think he was asleep in less than 15 seconds.
Holy Cow. Trying to remember back just over a year ago when we would rock and rock and fight him to sleep at night - compared to a night like tonight. Almost amazing!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I LOVE Christmas - Part 2
Tyler is getting a bit restless after being cooped up every weekend, so I try all sorts of new things to keep him entertained. I found some packing paper that my husband brought home from work, and Tyler thinks its an enormous coloring book. I'm also digging out Christmas movies because there is nothing better than watching Christmas movies when you're cooped up inside on a cold day during Christmas season.
We're watching "A Christmas Story" today. If there was every a classic Christmas movie, that is it. I think I've watched the movie over 100 times, and between my mom, dad, sister and I - I'd bet that number could reach up to 500 times. We even play "A Christmas Story" trivia on Christmas sometimes.
Now, I'm passing this obsessive tradition on to my son. I've let him know that there is Santa in the movie, a gun and they stick their tongue to a metal pole and it gets stuck. He's VERY interested to see this now!
And for those of you that can't wait for TBS to start playing this over and over and over and over, here's the first 10 minutes....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
On my way home tonight (on my AWESOME XM radio!), I fould their "Holly" channel - which is all Christmas music, until the day after Christmas!
I have only fond memories of Christmas, growing up. I remember the anticipation, then going to church on Christmas Eve when Santa magically came (while we were at church) because he knew we had to go out of town the next day. I remember how my mom usual "forgot" something in the house and had to go back in while my dad, sister and I sat in the car wondering "what on earth did she forget?". And then the TOTAL surprise when we would come home. I remember sitting through those church services. It was like putting a t-bone in front of a dog and telling him "you can't eat this - just yet...".
I loved the presents, the happiness, spending time with our family, going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and the general sense of security, I guess, that Christmas brought.
Tonight was my first real taste of Christmas. Finding the "Holly" channel, then finding my favorite Christmas song... "Sleighride" by Johnny Mathis. I will sing that song at the top of my lungs, which is what I did tonight, which was much needed after an absolutely, totally insanely, stressful day.
I saved the song as one of my favorites, so hopefully every day between now and Christmas, I can hear the song and sing in my loudest, beautiful singing voice (insert sarcastic cough here)...
"Our cheeks are nice and rosey and comfy and cozy are we.... we're snuggled close together like two birds of a feather would be....."
I love Christmas!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Totally Random...
Someone is watching over me. Okay - so maybe it's XM/Sirius Radio, or maybe someone else. Who knows? I just appreciate the thought that someone is watching out for me - and letting me know.....in totally random ways.
"Look what I did!"
"I can assure you, I am totally innocent!"
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Sleep Nazi - Part 2
- If one goes to bed at 7pm, the other will want to stay up until 10pm.
- Regardless, someone is always up before 6am - weekends included.
- If/when they nap, it will never, EVER, be at the same time.
Connor, crashed in bed.
Tyler frequently sleeps in the car. Although it doesn't look comfortable to me, he's OUT!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Perfect Afternoon
We didn't even play outside today, but everyone was okay with that.
The boys and I went to the Hardware Store to buy fire starter logs, and then I lit a fire at about 2pm. The living room feels awesome.
Connor and I sat by the fire and watched the Hawkeyes win against Penn State while Tyler took a 3 hour (much needed) nap.
I'm drinking a Fosters, next to the fire, with my 18 month old in my lap reading a book, now listening to 80s music from the satellite tv.
This is awesome.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Fall!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Damn the time change...and other ramblings...

Friday, October 31, 2008
At least we're consistent...

Tyler at least stepped up this year, and gave me a GREAT "football team" pose, as he calls it...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A picture is worth 1,000 words
Monday, October 27, 2008
Needed a pick me up today...
Thanks boys.....

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Our Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Quote of the Day
"It's so fucking cold out here."
Point taken. We immediately went inside so those words could never be said again. Yikes. (Note to self - never EVER cuss again!)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hayrack Ride 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I left my liver in Galena...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!
Maybe I'll post pictures when I return - or maybe not. (To protect the innocent!)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Made me think of my boys (I hope - I think)
I saw a commercial today that brought tears to my eyes, just because of how true most of it has been for me (and I think for most mothers of boys). To see where it leads the children in this commercial makes my heart want to swell with pride for what I hope to see in the future.
Every night we chase the boys in circles around the living room/kitchen in order to let off some of their steam.
We had (note - had) a beanbag chair that we brought outside so the boys could take flying leaps into it after springing off a trampoline, until it burst and the small styrofoam beads went everywhere in the yard.
When I was pregnant with Connor - I swear my ultrasound would've been like the baby in the commercial. For nothing, could I get him to stop spinning circles, until he finally jammed himself upright in a breech position
We have not had a broken coffee table yet, but have had it removed from our living room for years so they can't use it as a trampoline itself. We have had broken lawn chairs outside from being climbed/jumped on. The cushions from our couch frequently get removed, and the La-Z-Boy is used to leap off of onto the cushions.
I hope this is the start of something that good...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Psycho and Velcro
Psycho, with his sinister grin
Velcro with Mom, imagine that....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Free To Be You and Me
Messing around on Youtube today, I found this video. It's almost as though someone stuffed me in a time machine, and sucked me back to 1981.
Every week my mom used to take us to the Marion Library. I LOVED it there! I loved the look, the smell, and the funky carpet they had in the kids area. They had places you could sit and read, and sometimes we even went to story time. It was fantastic!
Another thing we did there was check out the record "Free To Be You and Me", every single week. Seriously. I think we went through 15 record needles listening to that thing, and every week brought it back, and every week, checked it back out again.
I think my sister and I listened to that record 15,000 times! I'm putting the introductory song on here so my mom can join me for a trip in the "wayback" machine!!! Hope you like it Mom! (Boy, listening to this record every day 25 times would have me wearing earmuffs, or drinking heavily!)
(Also, check out all the famous people that were on this record!)
Nie Nie
The author of this blog is Stephanie Nielsen. She is a young mother of 4 children, her parents are both Utah Senators (I believe, or something close to that), and her husband is absolutely PERFECT! Actually, everything about them seems to be perfect (thus my quickly jumping to judge). Her children are beautiful, her blogs are fantastic, and she clearly seems to just LOVE life!
In August of this year, her and her husband were returning from their vacation on a New Mexico ranch, and were involved in a horrible plane crash. Nie Nie (as she refers to herself) and her husband were in a small prop plane. Christian (Mr. Nielsen) had recently got his pilots license that was a gift from his wife, and was putting it to use. They lost power in the air.
Today, both Stepanie and her husband are both still in the hospital. He has burns on about 30-40% of his body, and she 70-80%. She is still in a drug-induced coma. They have years of recovery ahead of them, and numerous surgeys as well.
Stephanie's sister-in-law (once again, I believe - I've been so fascinated reading past blogs, I haven't researched all the details yet) has picked up on maintaining this blog. Readers that have been fans of the blog will write in and tell what their favorite blog is, and that blog gets reposted. You may have holiday blogs in September, and 4th of July blogs tomorrow, but it's fantastic.
There have been tons of fundraising activities so far, and actually it is expected for the fundraising to reach about One Million Dollars for this couple and their family.
This blog has really touched me, and I love reading the past posts, learning about their family, and really realizing that this is a woman who truly just LOVED life, her family, and everything she did.
I think of this often, when I'm frustrated, or time seems so short, or I just have too much to do. Life is so precious.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Why I love sappy movies sometimes...
"My dad says childhood is the happiest time of my life, buuutttt.. I think he's wrong. I think my mom's right, she says 'childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome'. That's what momma used to say. She said 'beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most'. You need to remember that when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will too."
I love that quote. How true it is.... We have to remember every day that we're in the middle of this beautiful thing called life.
(You have to get 3/4 through this clip to get through the quote, but it's worth it - this part of the movie makes me gets a tear in my eye everytime.)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who says summer is over?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Frustration turns to relaxation
But, I am sitting next to Tyler. He's been sitting here coloring next to me, making pictures of dolphins, writing his name, and sorting through the crayons over and over finding all of the orange ones, etc. I never realized how that smell, the smell of Crayola Crayons, can bring back such memories.
Every Christmas when I was little, my Grandma Breuer would get me a Crayola Caddy. She could've asked "Would you like $1000 or a Crayola Caddy?", and I would've picked the Caddy - hands down, every time. I would use them until the crayons were stubs, and there was virtually nothing left of them. It was wonderful.
Tyler is now having so much fun with them - it reminds me of me. He is pulling them all out and drawing with each and every one of them to try them all out - so completely excited with each one - one after the other.
Work can wait. This is priceless.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Marching Band was a blast!
We also partied a lot in marching band. Holy cow - could some of those people drink. A lot. I had a few drinks here or there (or a lot here or there), but it was generally harmless. Sometimes the cops were called to parties, but no one really got hurt. I think someone might've fallen off a roof once, but he was okay. Many people might've considered us "band nerds", but I can tell you we were far from that! (If I must say so myself!)
Sounds like the Wisconsin Marching Band might've taken things a bit too far. Or someone misinterpreted something. Either way - the band doesn't get to play today for the Wisconsin vs. Ohio State game. Of all games to miss, that would NOT be one!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Waking up Tyler...
Monday, September 29, 2008
My New Dilemmas
They discontinued my diaper cream. AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Seriously. When Tyler was about one, my sister turned me on to Dyprotex. It was only available at Walgreens, and wasn't cheap. It came in little packets with applicators to use (so you didn't get it all over your fingers), and was the BEST STUFF EVER INVENTED! I swear, neither of my kids ever had a diaper rash, and if they did, it didn't last more than one day. One night of a butt gobbed with Dyprotex, they would wake up and the rash would be gone, their skin would be healed, and we would all be happy. Not anymore.
Apparently, the company that used to manufacture Dyprotex was sold, and the new company decided not to keep making Dyprotex. I can't find it anywhere. Before Connor was born, I literally bought a case of it off of Ebay. $60 was a small price to pay for a perfect bottom, and a happy child. That case I purchased just about 18 months ago is now gone. I'm all out. None on Ebay, none on any drug store I can find on the internet, nothing. I thought I had some at once, ordered it off of an internet drugstore, just to have them cancel my order the next day because they were out of stuck. DANG IT!
I would seriously pay twice what the stuff used to sell for in order to have it. Connor's butt is so sore now from his pooping escapade over the last week (I think due to a flu bug and his teeth), that he won't sit down in the bath. It looks and feels like sandpaper, and he's miserable. I've tried all sorts of new creams. I've mixed creams with others. I've mixed them with Vasaline. I've tried putting them on in various orders, but nothing works.
Who would've thought. My biggest dilemma would be diaper cream!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What's wrong with this picture?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Yes, I'm totally serious...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Happy 4th Birthday Tyler!
Then we ate some awesome cookies!
And opened some even more awesome presents!
Tyler had a blast, and so did we! I haven't jumped on a trampoline in years, and Connor was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe! I think everyone had a great time!
It's hard to believe that my baby, is 4 years old today. 4 years ago today, my life was totally turned upside down by this 7 pound 2 ounce (screaming) baby. There was hard days, and sleepless nights, and laughing because he smiled, and crying when he was sad. It's amazing to know just how much my life was changed by this little boy and that I love him even more every day!